Název ISBN Sklad
Krabička 9788026220213 2
Author Translator Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Isabella Paglia Jan Ctibor Paolo Proietti Portál CZ 32 2023 20,70 cm
239 Kč incl. VAT
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A box suddenly appeared in the woods. It has two holes on one side and no one knows how it got there. All the animals are wondering why it appeared in the forest, but no one knows the answer. But one thing is for sure: whoever or whatever is there definitely doesn't want to get out of the box.
This charming book about how what we need most in the world is friends will appeal to children aged five and up.

Czech edition

Author Isabella Paglia
Translator Jan Ctibor
Ilustration Paolo Proietti
Publisher Portál
Language CZ
Pages 32
Published 2023
Width 20,70 cm