Název ISBN Sklad
Život rozumění 9788072985128 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Pavel Kouba OIKOYMENH CZ 160 2014 13 cm 20,20 cm
198 Kč incl. VAT
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How are the spatio-temporal and speech character of our experience related? What role does the different "sense" of time and space play in understanding meaning? The present studies thematize the experience of meaning in terms of presence, by which is meant not just one temporal dimension, but presence in the world, i.e. the link between the present and the co-present (not the present). Presence conceived in this way is examined with reference to authors who have directed the notion of presence in a temporal sense (Plato, Bergson, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty), but also with a systematic intention that expands and changes the meaning of this notion. The clarification of the relation between understanding as such and scientific knowledge aims at the conception of being as an individual presence in the world, in which things and beings that do not govern language and do not refer to the all-encompassing dimensions of space and time also participate.

Czech edition

Author Pavel Kouba
Language CZ
Pages 160
Published 2014
Width 13 cm
Height 20,20 cm