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Vzdorovali nacistům: Sharpovi a jejich válka 9788086105819 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Artemis Joukowsky Ruth Jochanan Weiniger Obec širšího společenství českých unitářů CZ 248 2019 14,70 cm 21 cm
339 Kč incl. VAT
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The life story of a married couple, Martha and Waitstill Sharpe, a Unitarian minister and his wife, who volunteered to save lives in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia in 1939. They left behind two young children at home in Massachusetts, USA. During two dangerous missions in Europe over several months - first in Prague, and later in Lisbon and Vichy France - they managed to get several hundred endangered artists, politicians, intellectuals and ordinary people, including children, to safety. The writer Lion Feuchtwanger or the Czech philosopher Jan Blahoslav Kozák can be mentioned among them.
The fate of the Sharps has been compiled by their grandson Artemis Joukowsky, based on more than a decade of research into surviving archival materials. The book is largely conceived as a personal narrative of both spouses, which makes it very engaging and readable. Its appeal lies especially in the authenticity of the story told. The story of how, despite all the horrors that war can bring, there is an incredible strength and ability to stand up to evil, no matter how great.

Czech edition

Author Artemis Joukowsky
Translator Ruth Jochanan Weiniger
Publisher Obec širšího společenství českých unitářů
Language CZ
Pages 248
Published 2019
Width 14,70 cm
Height 21 cm