Název ISBN Sklad
Tajemství předků 9788026212676 3
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Peter Teuschel Petr Babka CZ 240 2017 13 cm 20 cm
399 Kč incl. VAT
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The topic of transgenerational transmission has become more widely addressed in modern times in connection with the occurrence of trauma symptoms in the non-traumatized descendants of Holocaust victims. However, ancestors played a significant role in ancient or "primitive" cultures. The role of ancestry in the individual's experience has also been elaborated by a number of schools of psychotherapy (Freud, Jung, Boszormenyi-Nagy, the concept of the genosociogram, etc.). The various findings concerning the influence of ancestry on our lives eventually led to a certain rehabilitation of Lamarck's theory of evolution and the creation of the concept of epigenetics, which studies changes in the functioning of genes based on the experiences of a given individual. The author of Secrets of the Ancestors deals with all this, using many case studies from his own experience to discuss topics such as family taboos, roles, legends, traumas, resources, risk relationships, attachments, or the appropriation and exclusion of certain family members. She also offers ways to work with transgenerational transference in psychotherapy and in one's own life. The book is written for anyone who wants to gain a broad overview of this fascinating topic.

Czech edition

Author Peter Teuschel
Translator Petr Babka
Language CZ
Pages 240
Published 2017
Width 13 cm
Height 20 cm