Název ISBN Sklad
Syn buvola 9788074329739 2
Author Language Pages Published Width Height
Stanislav Havlíček CZ 264 2019 13,10 cm 20 cm
289 Kč incl. VAT
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"No, it's not action or adrenaline at all. I don't save other people's lives by directly massaging their hearts," says pharmacist Stanislav Havlicek about his work at the hospital in Agok. Although he tries to make light of the mission, without Stand's keen judgment and meticulous work, Doctors Without Borders would not have saved so many lives. He's scheduled the Agok pharmacy's supply nine months in advance, prepared the right antidote for a snake bite or mixed a soothing medicine for a badly burned little girl. But nothing was as hard as teaching Tomas Shebek how to grow tomatoes.
In his notes, the reader will also see the Comoros Islands, where Havlicek travelled during his compulsory holidays. All of this is accompanied by a quirky humour and a charm of personality that made Havlíček try his hand at the role of a preacher in an African church. What was the worst thing he had to deal with during his six months in Agok, and why was he renamed Son of the Buffalo in South Sudan?

Czech edition

Author Stanislav Havlíček
Language CZ
Pages 264
Published 2019
Width 13,10 cm
Height 20 cm