Název ISBN Sklad
Skica jako prvotní vizualizace myšlenky 9788088378310 5
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
David Böhm Labyrint CZ 176 2023 16,60 cm 19 cm
395 Kč incl. VAT
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What's a sketch? How do you create something that didn't exist a moment ago? How is a work born, under what circumstances, and how does an idea take shape? What precedes the sketch and what does the situation itself look like?
In his new book, artist David Böhm tries to answer these questions through original drawing experiments, theoretical reflections and interviews with contemporary artists (Jiří Kovanda, Vladimír Skrepl, Kateřina Šedá, Viktor Pivovarov, Alena Kotzmannová, Pavla Sceranková and Vladimír Kokolia).

Czech edition

Author David Böhm
Publisher Labyrint
Language CZ
Pages 176
Published 2023
Width 16,60 cm
Height 19 cm