Název ISBN Sklad
Sebeanalýza 9788026220879 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Karen Horney Pavla Le Roch Portál CZ 248 2023 13,30 cm 20 cm
449 Kč incl. VAT
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Psychoanalysis does not necessarily take place only in a psychoanalytic session with a psychoanalyst. This is what the author is convinced of when she outlines the possibilities of using psychoanalysis to work on oneself, either between sessions or during interruptions in therapy, for example due to illness or vacation, but also in the context of self-development. He discusses the driving forces behind neurotic difficulties, the different stages of psychoanalytic understanding, the patient's and analyst's part in the process of psychoanalysis, occasional and systematic self-analysis, as well as the realistic expectations one may have and the possible obstacles if one does undergo self-analysis.
In a very readable manner, and with the knowledge that the book is aimed not only at professionals but also at patients in psychoanalysis or lay people interested in self-knowledge, he presents the basic points of his approach to analysis and guides the reader in the practical application of psychoanalytic techniques for self-knowledge, overcoming difficulties and personal development.

The Czech edition

Author Karen Horney
Translator Pavla Le Roch
Publisher Portál
Language CZ
Pages 248
Published 2023
Width 13,30 cm
Height 20 cm