Název ISBN Sklad
Psychopatologie všedního života 9788026210276 2
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Sigmund Freud Ota Friedmann CZ 256 2016 13,10 cm 20,10 cm
299 Kč incl. VAT
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The 1901 book is based on research into miscues (forgetting, misspelling, misreading, misspelling, misspelling, etc.). According to Freud, these can be rationally explained as the product of the activity of the unconscious, thus ruling out mere chance. Since all of us exhibit erroneous acts, we are all, according to the author, somewhat neurotic. The book, which is not so heavily laden with theory and is practical rather than speculative, can serve as a useful introduction to Freud's teachings. It also ranks among Freud's best-known writings and is considered an important contribution not only to the study of psychopathology but also to linguistics, semantics, and philosophy.

Czech edition

Author Sigmund Freud
Translator Ota Friedmann
Language CZ
Pages 256
Published 2016
Width 13,10 cm
Height 20,10 cm