Název ISBN Sklad
Psychologické typy 9788026216544 2
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Carl Gustav Jung Karel Plocek, Petr Babka CZ 560 2020 16,80 cm 23 cm
699 Kč incl. VAT
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Jung's book Psychological Types is sometimes referred to as his best-known work, which established him as an independent psychological thinker. In any case, his description of introverted and extraverted orientations has become Jung's most widely accepted discovery ever. In his book, he discusses in detail how these two types of attitudes have been conceived throughout history (with introversion he associates, for example, medieval realism, Nietzsche's Apolline type or the personality of Alfred Adler, and with extraversion nominalism, the Dionysian type or Sigmund Freud). In addition, he describes four possible functions of consciousness - thinking as the opposite of feeling and sensory perception, whose opposite is intuition. Each person has a main function of consciousness, the opposite of which expresses how his unconscious functions. Combining the functions of consciousness with introversion and extraversion yields eight basic psychological types. Jung also describes what happens to a person's psyche when his conscious focus is too one-sided. The book is accompanied by an extensive list of definitions that can serve as a guide to understanding Jung's basic ideas.

Czech edition

Author Carl Gustav Jung
Translator Karel Plocek, Petr Babka
Language CZ
Pages 560
Published 2020
Width 16,80 cm
Height 23 cm