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Profesor Astrokocour: Křížem krážem lidským tělem 9788086803500 2
Author Translator Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Dominic Walliman Richard Podaný Ben Newman Labyrint CZ 64 2018 29,40 cm
495 Kč incl. VAT
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A fascinating journey through the human body from head to toe. Why are our ears shaped so funny? What do we sneeze for? How does the immune system work? Just what does our skin do and why do we have two kinds of memory? The human body is one of the most complex things in the entire universe! The inquisitive Professor Astrokocour and his whole crew take us through all the parts of the human body in this narrative pictorial encyclopedia.

A new book from the educational series, from which the Czech edition of the volume BORDERS OF THE UNIVERSE was published a year ago, awarded the Golden Ribbon of the Czech Section of IBBY. Dominic Walliman studied physics in the UK and now works on programming quantum computers in Vancouver, Canada. He has distinguished himself as an outstanding popularizer of science for children and young people. Ben Newman has won numerous awards for book illustration and comics and lives and works in London.

Czech edition.

Author Dominic Walliman
Translator Richard Podaný
Ilustration Ben Newman
Publisher Labyrint
Language CZ
Pages 64
Published 2018
Width 29,40 cm