Název ISBN Sklad
Prašina: Křídový panáček (souborné vydání) 9788076374454 2
Author Language Pages Published Width Height
Vojtěch Matocha, Karel Osoha CZ 200 2023 16,50 cm 24,60 cm
399 Kč incl. VAT
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Two years have passed since the events of the book trilogy. The dirt has been transformed, the silhouettes of cranes tower over old rooftops, stone houses make way for glass and steel, and the ancient darkness inevitably loses its battle with the light. But what if darkness can take on human form? A young man, Vasek, comes to Prašina in search of a new home and soon feels first-hand that the peace here is only apparent - old secrets still slumber beneath the shell of everyday life. A mysterious arsonist is on the rampage and a strange symbol appears on the charred walls.

The comic book series Chalk Doll won the Muriel Award for Best Artwork, a Golden Ribbon nomination, and was included in the Best Books for Kids catalog. Now, all seven books are finally being published in one bound book.

Czech edition

Author Vojtěch Matocha, Karel Osoha
Language CZ
Pages 200
Published 2023
Width 16,50 cm
Height 24,60 cm