Název ISBN Sklad
Prašina 1. 9788076371484 3
Author Ilustration Language Pages Published Width Height
Vojtěch Matocha Karel Osoha CZ 264 2018 14 cm 20,60 cm
289 Kč incl. VAT
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Prašina is a mysterious place, a dark island in the middle of shining Prague. No one knows why, but the electricity doesn't work in Prašina. The lamps don't light, the trams don't run, the radio doesn't play, the mobile phone has no signal. And in this haunted neighbourhood, Jirka and his friends Tonda and En are searching for an ancient secret that could change the world. Their adventure is all the more dangerous because they have to face a group of all-powerful grown-up men with the same goal. The Foglar-esque and extremely suspenseful story is complemented by illustrations that take the reader right into the heart of the Dust Bowl.

Czech edition

Author Vojtěch Matocha
Ilustration Karel Osoha
Language CZ
Pages 264
Published 2018
Width 14 cm
Height 20,60 cm