Název ISBN Sklad
Perfektně skrytá deprese 9788026218784 1
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Margaret Robinson Rutherford Hana Antonínová CZ 224 2022 14,20 cm 20,50 cm
365 Kč incl. VAT
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When your life looks perfect, but you're still missing something...
If you were told as a child that painful emotions are a sign of weakness, or that if you're vulnerable it's dangerous for you, you may have created a life that looks perfect on the surface. You're successful, you're involved in public affairs, you always seem willing to help others. So what's the problem? You are full of self-criticism and shame, not allowing yourself to show your fear, anger, loss or grief. It is clear to you that something is wrong, but you are not sure what it is. You feel trapped and alone. If this is the case, you may have a perfectly hidden depression.
This guide will help you recognize perfectionism, identify destructive thought scenarios, discover powerful coping strategies for uncomfortable feelings, and most importantly, you'll discover that asking for help won't be a sign of weakness, but of strength..

Czech edition

Author Margaret Robinson Rutherford
Translator Hana Antonínová
Language CZ
Pages 224
Published 2022
Width 14,20 cm
Height 20,50 cm