Název ISBN Sklad
(Nová) móda módy 9788087705193 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Gillo Dorfles Naděžda Bonaventurová RUBATO CZ 158 2014 13,50 cm 17,60 cm
253 Kč incl. VAT
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In today's world, standing at the pinnacle of rationality, fashion is one of the most compelling ways to express oneself, to exist at all. To be up-to-date today is above all to be fashionable; living in truth is nothing other than being fashionable, that is, living in fashion. Finally, fashion is also the only way to express rationality and one's own (!) opinion, and art is only a way to convey that fashionable rationality, to think with a hammer, through a steamroller or the entries of a dictionary of foreign words.

Czech edition

Author Gillo Dorfles
Translator Naděžda Bonaventurová
Publisher RUBATO
Language CZ
Pages 158
Published 2014
Width 13,50 cm
Height 17,60 cm