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Na vyžádání vydat 9788075537911 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Varian Fry Václav Petr Triton CZ 320 2020 15 cm 20,60 cm
349 Kč incl. VAT
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The title of the book, set during the Second World War, is derived from Article XIX of the German-French Armistice Treaty. It stated that the French were obliged to "extradite on demand" to Germany (or more precisely to the Greater Germanic Reich of the German nation) anyone, but especially German citizens of Jewish origin fleeing the then Reich from Hitler's regime. The American journalist and aid worker Varian Fry worked in Vichy France from August 1940 to September 1941. During that time, he managed to rescue some four thousand fleeing intellectuals, social democrats, anti-fascists and Jews. Among them were prominent personalities such as Bohuslav Martinů, Marc Chagall, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Heinrich Mann and Lion Feuchtwanger. Many brave people helped Fry, among them the Czechoslovak consul Vladimír Vochoč. During his lifetime, Varian Fry did not receive much recognition in his country, but in 1997 he was posthumously awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations by the State of Israel, the first American in history. His book was the basis for the 2000 Canadian-British-American film Varian's War.

Czech edition

Author Varian Fry
Translator Václav Petr
Publisher Triton
Language CZ
Pages 320
Published 2020
Width 15 cm
Height 20,60 cm