Název ISBN Sklad
Motivace a osobnost 9788026217282 2
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Abraham H. Maslow Pavla Le Roch CZ 376 2021 16,80 cm 23,10 cm
569 Kč incl. VAT
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We will never fully understand human life unless we take into account man's highest aspirations. Growth, self-actualization, the pursuit of health, the quest for identity and autonomy, the desire for perfection (and other ways of expressing the "upward" direction) must be seen as widespread and perhaps universal human tendencies.
In Motivation and Personality, Maslow presents a systematic theory and application of motivation and personality that he derived from a synthesis of three approaches: holistic, dynamic, and cultural. He offers to expand our understanding of human personality by looking into the "higher" levels of human nature. His theory is now cited not only in psychology, but also in education, management, sociology and many other humanities disciplines. Its knowledge is one of the foundations of knowledge about human needs and values that enable a person to "be strong and human enough to take control of his or her destiny."

Czech edition

Author Abraham H. Maslow
Translator Pavla Le Roch
Language CZ
Pages 376
Published 2021
Width 16,80 cm
Height 23,10 cm