Název ISBN Sklad
Mezitím (Meanwhile) 9788088308324 5
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Magdalena Rutová Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague CZ, EN 184 2021 12,10 cm 15,50 cm
300 Kč incl. VAT
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Meanwhile - a 21st century storybook - is a personal pictorial chronicle. It systematically and at the same time completely randomly covers every conceivable topic. It fairly divides the attention between celebrities, ordinary people, hot topics and completely peripheral ones. A recurring theme is career. Careers of people, careers of animals, careers of things. Business and success - and failure! Now, now, now, now. What was Bob Dylan doing at the very moment when, on the other side of the world, a tragic clerk's lunch break was ending? The ambition of the endless series is to cover everything in the world, and Meanwhile is an audit of that effort as of 2021. One of the questions on the entry form for the Psychiatric Hospital in Prague-Bohnice is: Do you feel that something interesting happens every day? I definitely do.

Czech-English edition

Author Magdalena Rutová
Publisher Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Language CZ, EN
Pages 184
Published 2021
Width 12,10 cm
Height 15,50 cm