Název ISBN Sklad
Mesiášská idea v judaismu 9788075300645 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Gershom Scholem Alena Bláhová Malvern CZ 368 2017 17 cm 22,50 cm
440 Kč incl. VAT
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In shaping the concept of messiah and redemption in Judaism, according to G. Scholem (1897-1982), the restorative and utopian currents in particular contributed to the transformation of the old heritage of apocalypticism. In the essays contained in this collection, the author notes the catastrophic and revolutionary elements of Jewish messianism as well as the differences with Christianity regarding the inner and outer aspects of salvation. He discusses the connections with the kabbalistic understanding of the world's redemption; he analyzes the antinomian tendencies expressed in the heretical concept of "redemption through sin" and developed in the false messianic movements of Sabbatianism and Frankistism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In the doctrines of Eastern European Hasidism, then, he sees a certain neutralization of the messianic tension leading to a shift of emphasis to the personal sphere of man. Other essays cover selected topics in the history of Jewish religion and literature.

Czech edition

Author Gershom Scholem
Translator Alena Bláhová
Publisher Malvern
Language CZ
Pages 368
Published 2017
Width 17 cm
Height 22,50 cm