Název ISBN Sklad
Hledání (komiks) 9788074741500 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Eric Heuvel Magda de Bruin Hüblová Triáda CZ 64 2015 21 cm 28 cm
159 Kč incl. VAT
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Ester goes to visit the farm where she hid as a Jewish girl during World War II. She has a terrible experience there. Ester wants to find out what happened to the helpers and other inhabitants of the hiding place. Ester's parents were murdered in Auschwitz. She doesn't know any more about it. But then her grandson Daniel uses the internet to track down Bob, the son of her former neighbours. Bob was in Auschwitz with Esther's parents and, until the last moment, with her father. Ester is deeply shaken by his story. She tells her old friend Helena how much she has always missed her parents. She can barely even remember their faces anymore. But then Helena remembers something...

Czech edition

Author Eric Heuvel
Translator Magda de Bruin Hüblová
Publisher Triáda
Language CZ
Pages 64
Published 2015
Width 21 cm
Height 28 cm