Název ISBN Sklad
Feldenkraisova metoda 9788026220862 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Moshé Feldenkrais René Souček Portál CZ 200 2023 13,10 cm 20 cm
389 Kč incl. VAT
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The Feldenkrais Method is a practical program for integrating the physical and mental aspects of a person. It is based on the feedback given to us by our sensory organs, which leads to the improvement of desirable movement based on our own measures of efficient movement. The method can be used by athletes, artists and people who, for example due to injury or pain, want to improve their movement habits or get in better contact with their own body. The exercises are simple and require only a minimal amount of energy. They can be done individually or in a group. Although the method was developed in the mid-20th century, it remains valid today and also shows similarities to the concepts of mindfulness and neuroplasticity that have become very popular in recent decades.
In addition to more general chapters on, for example, self-image or consciousness, the book contains 12 lessons on posture, breathing, muscle coordination, pelvic movements, head posture, working with space, eye movement and thinking. A number of specific exercises are also included. The book is essential to the context of Feldenkrais' legacy and has been translated for the first time from the authorized version for the new Czech edition.

Czech edition

Author Moshé Feldenkrais
Translator René Souček
Publisher Portál
Language CZ
Pages 200
Published 2023
Width 13,10 cm
Height 20 cm